Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fickle Feelings

I like what I read about feelings in a book of writings by Charles Spurgeon. Here is an excerpt:

"Often do we hear the lamentation - 'I do not feel that I can be saved. I do not feel that I am forgiven. I do not feel it is possible my hard heart can ever be softened and renewed.'

This is poor, foolish talk. In what way can our feelings guide us in such matters? Do you feel that the dead can be raised again? Do you feel that the cold of winter will be followed by the heat of summer? How can you feel these things? You believe them. To talk of feeling in the matter is absurd.

I am the subject of very changeful feelings; but I have learned to set small store by them, either one way or the other. Above all, I have ceased to estimate the truth of God's promise by my condition of mind."

Today I feel so joyful that I could dance, but perhaps when I wake tomorrow morning I shall only be able to sigh in harmony with Jeremiah's lamentations. Has my salvation changed according to these feelings? If so, it must have a very movable foundation.

We are saved according to facts, not fancies. Certain eternal truths prove us saved or lost; and those truths are not affected by our happiness or depressions."


Anonymous said...

Deep post Belle! I have a problem with thinking Jesus is mad at me, I'm not saved, He won't forgive me, and all that stuff, but He always tells me I will be with Him and He loves me.

Us humans can't comprehend something as heaven. All we know is pain and suffering daily and wait for obstacles to come which is pretty sad. So the thought of NEVER crying, hungry, afraid, or in pain again is so different to us. Yet, us Christians know we don't belong here. Yet, we know a little something about heaven's happiness.

Hugs and blessings ♥

BelovedBomber said...

Our feelings can often deceive us...either elating us or depressing us but God's Word is our constant. Challenging but necessary. Great post! Many blessings!

Belle said...

Glad you liked what Spurgeon said as much as I did. I used to let my feelings have too much power. It is restful to know God has saved me.

Sherry Ellis said...

It's good to remember that God is not fickled as we humans are.

Unknown said...

Just stopped by to wish you a very good monday morning sherry ellis stated, it is good that we do not have a "fickle God"

Belle said...

Hello Sherry and Rhodes. It is good to know our God is unchanging.