Thursday, October 16, 2014

What Do You Give Up For Jesus? Nothing.

By Dwight L. Moody:

Ah, what a mistake some people make! They say, “I’d like to become a Christian if I hadn’t to give up so much.” Just turn round and look at the other side. You don’t have to give up anything—you have simply to receive; and when you have received Christ, everything else vanishes away pretty quick.

Christ fills you, so that you don’t feel these things to be worth a thought. When a bride marries a man, it is generally love that prompts her. If any one is here that really loves a man, is she thinking of how much she will have to give up? No; that wouldn’t be love. Love doesn’t feed upon itself, it feeds upon the person who is loved. So, my friends, it is not by looking at what you will have to give up, but by looking at what you will receive, that you will be enabled to accept the Savior.

You don’t need to trouble yourselves at present about what you have to give up. Receive Him, and all these things will appear utterly insignificant. I used to think of what I would have to give up. I dearly loved many of the pleasures of this earth; but now I’d as soon go out into your streets and eat the dirt as do those things. God doesn’t say, “Give up this and that.” He says, “Here is the Son of my bosom—receive Him.” When you do receive Him, everything else goes. Stop that talk about giving up; let Christ save you, and all these things will go for nothing.


I gave myself to God when I was nineteen. When I think of things I "gave up" for God I think of how those things were harming me and how I miss none of them. God has slowly changed my heart and my desires. The best thing I ever did in my life was give myself to Him.

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