Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Didn't Know He was There.

In Genesis 28 we read the story of how Jacob was sent away from home because he lied and deceived his father in order to have the birthright that belonged to Esau. Jacob must have felt guilty and ashamed as he traveled alone towards his uncle's house.

As he lay down on the ground the first night, God sent him a dream of a ladder reaching up to heaven. Angels were walking up and down on the ladder. God then spoke and told Jacob He would always be with him. In spite of what Jacob had done, God was with him - he knew Jacob's heart.

In his book," God is Closer Than You Think", John Ortberg writes, "The striking phrase of Jacob is, 'Surely the Lord was in this place and I was not aware of it.' Somehow he was looking in the wrong direction. Apparently it is possible for God to be present without the person recognizing that he is there. Apparently it is possible that God is closer than you think."

I was taught as a child that God leaves us when we sin. It was like there was a revolving door he would be coming in and going out of your life. I don't believe that any more. God is with me constantly, every second of every day. As long as I want him, that is as long as He is with me.


Heaven said...

Amen. I, too, was taught the same thing you described in your last paragraph. I'm SO thankful Jesus doesn't leave us or turn His back on us...EVER!


Belle said...

Hello, Heaven! It seems we have to un-learn a lot of what we are taught as children.

Sherry Ellis said...

I too believe that God is always with us, even when we sin. Lovely post!