Saturday, May 18, 2013

Freedom of Choice in an Evil World.

 'I have sinned, I have perverted what is right, but I did not get what I deserved. He has redeemed my soul from going down into the pit, and my life shall look upon the light.’ Job 33:28

In the book, "Pastor Dave's Reflections," "Dave Petrescue wrote about his life before he met God: "

"Thirty-two years ago my life was a walking war zone. I was a fight looking for a place to happen. I was an angry young man full of lust, greed, dissatisfaction and pride. Many around me were casualties of my evil. It wasn't my parents' fault, it wasn't the fault of another culture, religion, or political system. It was my fault. When I finally admitted it (very tough to do) and asked Jesus to 
do his work of inner transformation in me He fully cooperated. He removed the corruption I had allowed to build up in my soul. He replaced my inner turbulence with complete peace, transformed my hate into love and filled me with overflowing joy.

Many people wonder why God doesn't just step in and halt all evil intentions and consequences. Yet, if God did that we would not be happy. For God to arbitrarily put a stop to evil among us He would have to take back the wonderful gift He gave us: our freedom of choice.

 Would you want God to forcefully stop you in your tracks every time you wanted to play with a little temptation or indulge in a little evil? If we were forced to be good against our will we are not at all appreciative; we would probably curse God for not leaving us alone to do our own thing. How dare He offend our freedom and dignity!"

Freedom to choose God or not to choose Him is the most important principle of God's kingdom. But look at the results of not choosing Him! Evil angels were thrown out of heaven bringing their hatred here and infecting us.

 Look at evil, then look at goodness.

Saddam Hussein vs Mother Teresa.

Hitler vs Albert Schweitzer

Stalin vs Jimmy Carter

Let us all say with Joshua: 

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."  Joshua 24:15


Just Be Real said...

Belle thank you for an insightful post. Yes we are living in evil times. So Grateful to know Jesus.....Hugs.

Belle said...

Hugs to you also! God bless you.