Friday, April 6, 2012

The Power.

I just bought a book by Joyce Meyer called, "The Secret Power of Speaking God's Word." It has already been a great help to me. Joyce says that by speaking God's words aloud we are strengthened and the evil angels must leave us.

The Bible verses are listed by topic such as: Courage, Depression, Forgiveness, Peace, etc. She also writes each verse as though you yourself are speaking it.

As an example:

"I am gentle and forbearing with others and if someone has a complaint against me, I readily pardon him; even as the Lord has freely forgiven me, so must I also forgive." Colossians 3:13

"He heals my broken heart and binds up all my wounds." Psalm 147:3

"I'm sticking with God. I say it over and over again - He is all I have left. He proves to be good to me and to all who passionately wait and diligently seek him. It's a good thing to quietly hope for help from God."
Lamentations 3:24-26


BelovedBomber said...

There is such power in speaking the Word of God! Thanks for sharing about the book! Happy Easter! He is alive!

Desiray said...

There is so much power in the Word of God that we can't even begin to wrap our minds around. It's power when we speak power when we pray power when we rebuke the enemy...Oh so much power...

Belle said...

Happy Easter to both of you also!

Just Be Real said...

Joyce has a wealth of information to share. Thank you Belle for posting her new book. Yes, He is all we have! Blessings and Happy Easter.

Carole in the UK said...

Belle, I am so delighted that you have this book. I have had a copy for a couple of years now and I love it!

It is small enough to carry around in my handbag.

The number of times, when I have needed a 'pick me up' I have turned to the relevant topic and declared the scriptures, and I never fail to feel refreshed.

God Bless, Carole

Heidi said...

I think I have this book on my shelf! Might be time to dust it off. Such encouraging verses... thanks for sharing :) Blessings!

Belle said...

Carole- It is so nice to meet you! I'm glad you found this book also.

Heidi- How nice to meet you also! God bless.