Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Mother's Love.

I have a friend whose son is a cocaine addict. He went to rehab and was clean for 9 months, then he slipped and started again. We always pray for him, and recently he went to a Christian group home trying to get clean again. I talked with him on the phone once and he sounded very sick and depressed.

My friend told me last week that someone had taken him to a Campus Crusade for Christ event. Afterwards, a Christian family took him in. He sounded well on the phone with his mom and we were praising God.

I like these kinds of churches who help the helpless and take people in. It is a wonderful act of kindness and love.

I've been feeling pretty weak and sick lately myself and I thought it was my fibromyalgia and my friend anointed me with oil and prayed for me. A few days later I found out I had a lack of vitamin C. I'm allergic to citrus fruits so I never eat them now. I started taking vitamin C every day and have noticed a big change. I have a lot of energy now and I just want to thank and praise God for helping me.


Anonymous said...

Amen! Only Christ can break those chains of bondement! I'm glad you're feeling well Belle! Daddy in heaven loves you!
Hugs ♥

Belle said...

Thanks, Ashley. I know He does and I'm so grateful.

Anonymous said...
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BelovedBomber said...

Thanks for another good reminder! I have been very sluggish for a couple of days and had that happen before and it was vitamin c. think I will go take a supplement now :) God has provided so many ways of healing us!