Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Anger.

The other day, I got very angry at someone I love. I tried reasoning with them but after I left her house I was fuming inside. In the car on the way home, I told my husband and sis how I was feeling. All this anger poured out. My husband kept saying, "Take a breath."

I talked with God about it later. I rarely lose my temper since I was born with an easy-going attitude. I said to God, "Next time I feel angry, I must pray immediately." I thought that was a good idea.

The very next day I got angry at my husband. I actually swore at him etc. The anger was so fast I wouldn't have had time to pray.

I said to God, "Well, obviously I need to pray before hand about my temper so I won't freak out." And I have done so.

I know that I need God every moment of every day to keep me under His control. What would I be without Him? A horrible person, that's what. I think that is why God lets us fall. Once in awhile He needs to show us what we are capable of. Once in awhile He has to show us what we are inside and how much we need him.

Thank you God, even for the times I fall hard. It is a wake-up call that I need.