Friday, July 19, 2013

"We Hate This Manna!"

"Then the people of Israel set out from Mount Hor, taking the road to the Red Sea to go around the land of Edom. But the people grew impatient with the long journey. 

And they began to speak against God and Moses. "Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in the wilderness?" they complained. "There is nothing to eat here and nothing to drink. And we hate this horrible manna!"   Numbers 21:4,5

The preacher T.D.Jakes quoted this verse on his TV show and then spoke about our attitude towards God and the way in which our life is going.

Do we complain about our jobs, our spouses, our children, our cars, our clothes or our finances? Do we get impatient with the way God is leading us and where we have ended up? Are we impatient with the long journey we have had on this earth?

As Mr. Jakes spoke I knew I had complained to God about many things, especially with my journey on this earth. Even though there have been glorious events and times in my life, I have focused on the sad and bad times. Also, I'm impatient with this seemingly long journey here. 

The people of Israel said to God, "We hate this horrible manna!" This is the food God had provided for them in a desert wilderness. 

Have I said I hated things to God? Yes, I have. 

I've hated coming from a dysfunctional family; I've hated having a mental illness; I've hated my personality. And yet, I wonder, were these the things that brought me to God? Were these the things that have been good soil for the seeds of God to grow in? I don't know, but I do know that after hearing that sermon I am not going to complain about these things any more.

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