Thursday, July 16, 2015

What is Your Truth?

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  John 8:32

The Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences were written by Martin Luther in 1517 and are widely regarded as the initial catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. The disputation protests against clerical abuses, especially nepotismsimonyusurypluralism, and the sale of indulgences. It is believed that, according to university custom, on 31 October 1517, Luther posted the ninety-five theses, which he had composed in Latin, on the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg. However, the fact that the theses themselves were posted on the church door is disputed.[1]

I was reading on a blog the other day that many Christians think they know the "truth" about God and go around telling people what they believe that truth is. The blogger was against this.

I understand what he means. I belonged to a church that said the had the "truth" and then went to a different church for a year. They said the same thing. "We have the truth."  Well, they couldn't both have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth because they believed different things.

So, what I have always done is search the Bible myself for truth, praying for guidance. When my sister was thinking of becoming a Buddhist I read up on their beliefs. I told her, "If there were no Jesus or Christianity, I would become a Buddhist. I admire a lot in that religion.

When I read books and the authors make claims about what they believe, I look the subject up in the Bible. I don't feel offended when people share their beliefs with me. Actually, I'm really interested. I have laughed inside sometimes at what some religions teach - like aliens coming here etc. However, these people are free to believe what they want and I've never laughed at them openly.

Anyway, this subject brought Martin Luther into my mind. He was the Catholic monk who some say started the Protestant Reformation. He saw the church doing things that were contrary to the Bible. He saw how this was hurting the common people, so he protested. He had no thought of starting his own church. He wanted reform from within, but it didn't happen so he had to leave. He wrote books and pamphlets about what he believed and how the church was wrong.

If God is being misrepresented by someone, then the truth about God needs to be told. Not many will receive the truth, it isn't popular to go against something that has been taught for centuries. But that's okay. Those who are searching and open-minded will study and see for themselves.

Never just believe what someone tells you about God. Search for yourself, pray for guidance and God will lead you. I have studied with Mormans and Jehovah Witnesses and Mennonites besides the church I used to belong to. (Seventh-Day-Adventist)  I have no fear of other's beliefs and I want to hear them. Lay their beliefs alongside the Bible and you will know what is truth.

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