I've read a few posters and articles online concerning giving to the poor. These posters usually say something about how if a person won't work, or if they smoke and drink, then Christians shouldn't help them.
I've thought this over a few times. I have given to people who I know are probably going to waste the money. I talked with God about this last week and here is what I believe he said to me, "I give and give and most of what I give is wasted. But I still give."
That's good enough for me. And I can see it all the time! He gives me money and I buy an un-needed scarf, earrings, candy, movie, picture frame, craft kit, soda pop, an extra purse, another pair of shoes, another pair of jeans, another blouse when I already have 15. All the money I have spent on things I don't need could feed a village.
Jesus once said, "If you have two coats, give one away." Plain language. I've tried to do that with coats. If I get a new winter coat, I give my old one away. But, of course he didn't mean just coats. He meant everything. I keep too much; I don't give enough.
My mother knew a man at her church in California. He was very wealthy. He gave away 90% of what he made. This man is a beautiful example of what a rich man can do. But most of us can do more than what we do. C.S. Lewis said to give until it hurts. That's when you are really giving.
Jesus healed and touched many who were still sinners. I mean, that's who we are supposed to reach out to. How can they ever change if they don't see the love and kindness of God?
I agree wholeheartedly. I've just seen so many Christians say we shouldn't help those who smoke etc. I think that is wrong. I smoke myself, but I know God loves me just as I am.
My sister has a friend who is homeless. He went up to a church picnic at a park and asked for a sandwich. They said no, because he was smoking. This is so wrong.
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