Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Do What We Can Do.

I was watching Joyce Meyer the other day. She was talking about how God will ask us to do something and if we do it, Jesus will do what we cannot do.

She spoke about the man in the temple who had a withered arm. Jesus said to him, "Stretch out your hand." The man made the effort and was healed completely. (Matthew 12:13

Jesus said to the man waiting by the pool, "Get up, pick up your bed and walk." Even though the man had been ill for 38 years, he tried to get up and when he did God healed him. (John 5:8)

Jesus told a blind man, "'Go wash in the pool of Siloam.' So the man went and washed and came back seeing." (John 9:7)

Ten lepers who came to Jesus to be healed were told by him to, "Go show yourselves to the priests." As they walked towards the temple they were healed.

Jesus asked these people to exercise faith in him before he healed them. I would suppose it is the same for us today. If he asks us to do something and we don't think we can do it, if we take one step towards it I think Jesus will move in with the miracle.

Joyce kept saying, "If you believe God wants you to do something, then do what you can do, God will then do what you cannot do." I like this teaching. It is based on faith and belief, two things I want to grow in my life.

None of these people said to Jesus, "I can't do that." I wonder how I would have reacted. I hope I would have reacted with faith.


Belle said...

Hi, Dakota. I will come and see you. Thanks for visiting and following!

Linda said...

Hi Belle: I love this concept and yes, I do believe it when Joyce Meyers said it and believe it to be true as we can't always do it on our own, we have to rely on Jesus for this is what he would want us to do, let go and let God!