Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do Nots, From the Sermon on the Mount.

When I was reading chapter 6 & 7 or Matthew, I noticed there were quite a few "Do not..." passages. Like the ten commandments, Jesus gave us some "Thou shalt not..." advice. Here is what he said:

Do not tell everyone and brag about how you help the poor.

Do not use meaningless repetition in your prayers.

Do not let everyone know when you are fasting.

Do not save up treasures for yourself here on earth.

Do not be worried about your life; what you will eat, drink, or wear.

Do not worry about tomorrow.

Do not judge other people. That is God's business.

Do not give what is holy to dogs or throw pearls before swine. (Don't keep talking about God with people who don't want to hear it. Let God lead you.)


betty said...

I like the list of "do nots" I need to live like that in my life, along with the first part of the sermon when he is talking about the blessed.....


Belle said...

He tells us so much in this sermon. I think worry is my biggest bugaboo. But I am learning to trust more and more.

betty-NZ said...

Most folks think of 'do not' as negative things, but it's wonderful to know that God says it for our own good.

Belle said...

Yes, like a parent warns her child. It is for our good. He only wants the best for us.