Monday, March 4, 2013

Loving Unconditionally.

I started reading "How to Succeed at Being Yourself," by Joyce Meyer. The first chapter opened my eyes about loving other people. Joyce says she knew she was supposed to show love to others and she tried, but without success. She didn't understand why until God showed her that she didn't love and accept herself or believe God loved her.

"My problem was a lack of love. I had never received proper love in my life; therefore, I had never learned to properly love myself." She says most people do not like themselves.

I remember when I was first a Christian at 19 years old I was judgemental and critical of other people. I was that way because I believed God was always judging me and finding fault with me. Every little mistake or sin made me think God had left me and didn't love me. That was my image of God so I treated others the same way.

When I finally came to see God loves me just as I am each day, the woman who sometimes swears, gets angry, smokes, and does things she knows she shouldn't. When I finally believed He loved me in spite of all this, I could love people who were not perfect too.

"We must develop the kind of mature love that says, 'I know I need to change, and I want to change. In fact, I believe God is changing me daily, but in the meanwhile I will not reject what God accepts. I will accept myself as I am right now, knowing that I will not always remain this way."

If we can feel that about ourselves, we can feel that about others.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post Belle! I also have a problem with feeling love that's why I want Daddy's love so much and I want to feel Him!
I always ask Jesus if He's mad at me and He says, "did I say I was angry with you?" I would reply back, "no..." Then He would tell me to move on and stop condemning myself.
It's like all we know is pain and hurt so we inflict that on others and ourselves. It's pretty sad to see, but true.
Our Daddy will re-freshen us always.
Hugs my dear ♥

Belle said...

One day you will no longer have those thoughts. Joyce Meyer taught me those thoughts are from Satan and to quote scripture out loud when they come. Satan cannot stay where the Bible is quoted and God is praised. God bless.

Just Be Real said...

Thank you Belle for sharing.....

Sherry Ellis said...

Great post! Unless you learn to love yourself, it's hard to truly love others.

BelovedBomber said...

Walking this out...I am thankful that God keeps reminding me of His love...

Belle said...

Hi Everyone and thanks for coming by. God bless.