C.S. Lewis from his book, "God in the Dock."
"If Christianity is untrue, then no honest man will want to believe it, however helpful it might be; if it is true, every honest man will want to believe it, even if it gives him no help at all."
"Honest rejection of Christ, however mistaken, will be forgiven and healed—“Whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him.” But to evade the Son of Man, to look the other way, to pretend you haven’t noticed, to become suddenly absorbed in something on the other side of the street, to leave the receiver off the telephone because it might be He who was ringing up, to leave unopened certain letters in a strange handwriting because they might be from Him—this is a different matter. You may not be certain yet whether you ought to be a Christian; but you do know you ought to be a Man, not an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand."
Plenty of food for thought here! Shared this with daughter and we spent much time discussing how we might be prone to 'avoid' God! Thank you for this!
I'm a huge fan of C. S. Lewis. A book that really changed my life was "Mere Christianity." My story was very similar to Lewis. I was an agnostic, looking at the world from an anayltical perspective before Christ changed my life. I discovered Lewis's book after I was saved and I give this book to unsaved people that I meet who were like me before Jesus grabbed a hold of my heart.
Sue- I find C.S.Lewis makes me think, that's for sure. :)
Luana- I loved" Mere Christianity". It is a great book to give to people.
The book of his that helped me the most was "The Problem of Pain".
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