Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Beatitudes: Those Who Mourn.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

The word blessed actually means fortunate in the context of the Beatitudes. How can one be fortunate who is mourning?

Reading the whole chapter, it seems to me Jesus is speaking about people who believe in God. In that way those who mourn are indeed fortunate because they have God to comfort them. Those who don't believe in God must have a much harder time when someone they love dies or some terrible thing happens in their life.

I have found, through the death of my dear grandson, that God is a comfort, a help, and a deep blessing while I am mourning. He gives me hope and strength to carry on when the worst thing that could happen has happened. His grace is sufficient. I am fortunate to have him in my life. My whole family is leaning on God and his comfort abounds to us all.

Jeremiah 16:5 "I will turn their mourning into gladness. I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow."

"Blessed are they who die in the Lord from now on. Blessed indeed, says the Spirit, for their deeds follow them and they rest from their labors." Rev. 14:13


betty said...

I do not know how a non-Christian makes it through mourning and grief. I leaned on his word and knowing he was with me after my mom died.


betty-NZ said...

I agree with betty. Knowing I will see my mom again some day is a wonderful comfort.

romance-of-roses said...

So sorry about your grandson. When my dad died, someone told me, aren't you sad that your father died? You seem so happy and show no sorrow. Well I told her, it's because I am at peace with my God, he loves me and I love him. My soul and heart are in a special place with my dad, someday we will meet again, I promise you that. He was suffering and he no longer has to suffer. She responded nothing. Blessings...Lu

Belle said...

Thanks for sharing how God has comforted you also.