Jesus said, "If you forgive others their offenses against you, your father in heaven will forgive your offenses. But if you won't forgive people, God will not be able to forgive you."
"When you fast in prayer don't disfigure yourself and let everyone see you are fasting. Hypocrites do this so people will admire them. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever receive. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face so only God will know. And God, who sees in secret, will reward you."
Matthew :14-18
Jesus stressed again in the Sermon on the Mount the importance of forgiveness. Earlier he spoke of loving our enemies, which would entail forgiveness. He spoke of how we should not call people names and also make things right with others before we come to worship him.
Now he talks of forgiveness in sterner terms. He says God cannot forgive you if you will not forgive. Hatred, spite and unforgiveness cannot live in our hearts along with God. These things hurt his heart of love. It may take time for God to melt our heart to forgive. He knows we are weak. But if we talk with him about any unforgiveness we have in our hearts he will change it into love.
Jesus also repeats a warning on doing religious acts in front of people in order to be admired. If we feel we should fast for a time, we shouldn't let others know in order for them to think we are holy. Our motive should be to have a clear mind to pray.
I am so glad you stopped by for a visit that I might return the call. Forgiveness is the heart of our LORD! It is a marvelous thing to embrace and to reveal to others the amazing love God has to us.
I hope you have a blessed week,
So grateful for His forgiveness and for the redemption He provides for those who come to Him.
joy and blessings to you!
Kathy- I just found that blog of your today. I already joined your Victorian one. I'm sorry I missed the one you have about God and Jesus. It is wonderful.
Alida-I am so grateful too! Nice to see you again!
Forgiveness let me sing praises with great joy for His gift of forgivness to me a sinner saved by Grace! Tis a marvelous deed of great love to forgive me the dreadful sinner man! Merry Christmas Belle....
Merry Christmas, Rhonda. I am thankful for his forgiveness and also how forgiveness has made my family life so happy. We all tend to forgive each other in my family and so we are close knit. We overlook the faults we have and try to concentrate on the good in each other. I know this is a gift from God. I know other families where people don't speak. But God pours his forgiveness into our hearts when we ask him and the results are beautiful.
Thanks Belle for this. I am struggling with some things right and this helps me a lot.
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