Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus said, Pray like this, "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy."

 "Let thy name be celebrated, venerated, and esteemed as holy everywhere, and receive from all people proper honor." It is thus the expression of a wish or desire, on the part of the worshiper, that the name of God, or that God himself, should be held everywhere in proper veneration.Barnes' Notes on the Bible

"Let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."

The will of God is infinitely good, wise, and holy; to have it fulfilled in and among men, is to have infinite goodness, wisdom, and holiness diffused throughout the universe; and earth made the counterpart of heaven. Clarke's Commentary on the Bible

Give us today our daily bread.

This petition implies our dependence on God for the supply of our wants. As we are dependent on him one day as much as another, Barnes' Notes on the Bible

"And forgive us our sins as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us."

 God sees His own image reflected in His forgiving children; but to ask God for what we ourselves refuse to men, is to insult Him. So much stress does our Lord put upon this, that immediately after the close of this prayer, it is the one point in it which He comes back upon (Mt 6:14, 15), for the purpose of solemnly assuring us that the divine procedure in this matter of forgiveness will be exactly what our own is. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

"And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

And lead us not into temptation- A petition similar to this is offered by David, Psalm 141:4; "Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with the workers of iniquity." God tempts no man. See James 1:13. This phrase, then, must be used in the sense of "permitting." Do not "suffer" us, or "permit" us, to be tempted to sin. In this it is implied that God has such control over the tempter as to save us from his power if we call upon him. The word "temptation," however (see the note at Matthew 4:1), means sometimes "trial, affliction," anything that "tests" our virtue. If this be the meaning here, as it may be, then the import of the prayer is, "Do not afflict or try us." It is not wrong to pray that we may be saved from suffering if it be the will of God. See Luke 22:42.

Deliver us from evil - The original in this place has the article - deliver us from the evil - that is, as has been supposed, the Evil One, or Satan. He is elsewhere called, by way of eminence, the "Evil One," Matthew 13:191 John 2:13-141 John 3:12. The meaning here is, "deliver us from his power, his snares, his arts, his temptations." He is supposed to be the great parent of evil, and to be delivered from him is to be safe. Or it may mean, "deliver us from the various evils and trials which beset us, the heavy and oppressive calamities into which we are continually liable to fall."


Anonymous said...

Love the book of we are instructed in verse six ...of the same chapter you are studying..."when thou prayest enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret ....
How many times do we do our righteous deeds for all the wrong be a teacher I have to be attentive to "not" glory in the lessons that He has opened my eyes too. Just b/c He opened my eyes to teach doesn't mean it is my revelation is still His Word and I am but the mere vessel He chose to let it flow ....and I wanna get up and think I'm somebody...but if I will be a doer of his word and hit my prayer closet ....this will keep me humble in knowing it is only by Him that all things are made possible: Good Morning Belle Good Morning to you ...may the sun shine bright and his warmth flow steady all day long to you.

Belle said...

Hello dear Rhonda. Today I helped my mother make Christmas cookies. She is 84 and it would have been hard for her to do it alone. I had a thought, "I do try to help my mom and be a good daughter," and then I thought, "If you, God, hadn't put that desire in me to help my mom I wouldn't have done it."

I then gave God the glory, for without him we can do nothing good. He does make all things possible.

g!oW said...

Oh Belle.... you are sooooo right in your comment above....
without Him I can do nothing....
He does make all things possible.
I realize that more and more every day.