Saturday, December 3, 2011

If Someone Sues You...

"Whoever wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat as well." Matthew 5:40

It is amazing the degree to which we are to go to avoid conflict and bitterness. If someone sues us, we are to forgive them and give them what they want. I can surely imagine Jesus doing this. He cared nothing for money or possessions. He is our example in this as in all things. I also believe he would help us if we lost things we need. He would supply all our needs.

Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
And if any man will sue thee at the law - Every where our blessed Lord shows the utmost disapprobation of such litigations as tended to destroy brotherly kindness and charity. It is evident he would have his followers to suffer rather the loss of all their property than to have recourse to such modes of redress, at so great a risk. Having the mind averse from contentions, and preferring peace and concord to temporal advantages, is most solemnly recommended to all Christians. We are great gainers when we lose only our money, or other property, and risk not the loss of our souls, by losing the love of God and man.

Coat, cloak
The former, the shirt-like under-garment or tunic; the latter, the mantle, or ampler over-garment, which served as a covering for the night, and therefore was forbidden by the Levitical law to be retained in pledge overnight (Exodus 22:26Exodus 22:27). To yield up this without resistance therefore implies a higher degree of concession.


Anonymous said...

nice post! thanks for sharing... God bless you... loves soraya

Belle said...

God bless you also and thank you.