Sunday, May 1, 2011

We are Complete in Him.

I was watching Joyce Meyer today and she quoted Colossians 2:10 "For you are complete in Him..."

My ears perked up at that. I have never felt complete. I feel full of gaps and holes. I feel like I need to be patched up; that there are too many things wrong with me. I don't feel whole. But these are just feelings.

The preceding verse says, "For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form..."  Jesus is full of God and in Jesus I am complete; I am fully formed; I am whole.  These words aren't feelings, they are facts. I am complete in Jesus.

Thank you God for making me whole!


betty-NZ said...

It's a bold step to choose to believe that you are whole and acceptable in God's eyes, but once you do, life changes for the better!

I wish everybody could and wold make that decision--they would be such happier people.

betty said...

amen indeed that we are whole because of Jesus! Now to live like that; that sometimes is hard and does require a decision and choice to remember who we are in his eyes!


Belle said...

betty-It does make a person happy when they know they are accepted by God.

Corgi- I think the main decision each day is to give our lives to him for that day.
Living a life so we represent Jesus is hard and I think when we fail we are shown our weakness so we can pray about it.
And yet, even when we fail we are complete in him for he covers us with his righteousness. I think that is the way it works.?