Monday, May 21, 2012

God's Striving with Men.

Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." Genesis 6:3

"From this passage we learn that the Lord by his Spirit strives with man up to a certain point.
There is a certain point beyond which he will not go, for sufficient reasons known fully to himself, partly to us. Two of these we are to notice for our instruction: First, he will not touch the free agency of his rational creatures. He can put no force on the volitions of men. An involuntary or compulsory faith, hope, love, obedience, is a contradiction in terms; and anything that could bear the name can have no moral validity whatsoever. Secondly, after giving ample warning, instruction, and invitation, he will, as a just judgment on the unbelieving and the impenitent, withdraw his Spirit and let them alone. The antediluvian world was fast approaching to this point of final perversity and abandonment."

Some commentaries say the '120 years' means God warned the people through Noah for that amount of time.

"The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time." Genesis 6:5

The state of the people of the flood was a horrible one. Without God to make us good, we become completely evil. God was so kind to warn them of their fate, but like Cain before them, they did not listen. It is sad to realize there were only a few people on earth who had God in their hearts.


Sincerity said...

The state of the human race during Noah's time on Earth has been on my mind a lot lately. It is so sad that so many people are content with stuff.

Materialism and entertainment are all many people care about. And the drop of morality is, sadly, predicted in Revelations.

I keep praying and hoping for revival in US churches but I also keep praying for Christ's return.

I don't want to imagine how things could get worse. But no matter what happens, just like with Noah, God will protect and separate His own from the final judgement.

What a paradise it will be when Jesus returns to rule with perfect authority!

Just Be Real said...

The Old Testament has always been a struggle for me to read. But, these days, my interest has peaked more and more. Your writings help as well Belle. Thank you. Blessings.

Desiray said...

We hear allot about Revival but people need revival within themselves first. Then they can show the church as a whole what we must do and do it together., But when you have all this man made ideas and some people have left God right out of the picture what you get is a complete mess. And things will get worst and I for one feel sorry for those who are left back here who was not taken when Jesus comes. This is why we need to be preaching and teaching more on witnessing and take people outside the four walls of the church we can't expect the sinner to always come through the doors we must go where they are...but the problem is we have way to many people who are scared to get out of their comfort zones. Jesus didn't save us so we can sit on a pew and do nothing.

BelovedBomber said...

I am reminded to seek Him while He may be found...It will be just like the days of Noah when Christ comes back for His children...Oh Father, please forgive our nation for the choices we have made. Please let us turn back to you and your truth in the word. Let it start in each of our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen

Belle said...

Sincerity- Thanks for visiting! I think we do need a revival of love in the churches, and as we reach out to others in love God will be pleased. For me it is more of an individual thing than the churches because there are so many different people in the churches with different hearts.

I also shudder to think how the world may become more evil. And I pray for the Lord's return also. He will come to save us from this dark world. I do look forward to being with him.

Just Be Real- The Old Testament can be hard to keep interested in, but some of the stories have such deep lessons we can learn from. We can learn from the mistakes of others and also from the good they did.

Desiray- I think if we ask God to use us to help people in some way and to shed his love and light to everyone we meet - then that is a good revival!

Beloved Bomber- It does start with each one of us. I know the morality of the Western nations has fallen so very, very low. But I think when we started using torture that was even worse. Love is the answer to everything. I also pray for our nations that we may be a light to the world of Jesus love.