Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Nephew is Well.

My nephew had a severe concussion from a fall on ice at an oil rig in Alberta, Canada. He was very sick, but I can now share the news that he is completely recovered. We are all very grateful and happy about it.

My nephew had always been skeptical that there was a God. He had thought about this for years. But when he went through this ordeal, and some terrible troubles he went through while he was sick, he prayed and said he now believes and indeed knows that there is a God who will help you.

When my grandson died last August, my daughters and his brother went to God for help. We all needed Him so very much. God was there for us in many ways and we know we will see Craig again in heaven. When you reach out to God, he reveals himself - he speaks to your heart.

I was reading a book this morning by Philip Yancey called, "Prayer." In it he quotes a young Jewish girl named Etty Hillesum who kept a journal while in Auschwitz. She writes,

 "Sometimes when I stand in some corner of the camp, my feet planted on Your earth, my eyes raised towards Your Heaven, tears sometimes run down my face, tears of deep emotion and gratitude. And I want to be there right in the thick of what people call horror and still be able to say: life is beautiful. Yes, I lie here in a corner, parched and dizzy and feverish and unable to do a thing. Yet I am also with the jasmine and the piece of sky beyond my window. For once you have begun to walk with God, you need only keep on walking with God and all of life becomes one long stroll - a marvelous feeling."

I wish I could say I have the beautiful faith of this young girl. I don't yet, but I am learning to see God in everything. He is there through the worst of life giving us peace if we will but reach for it.


Just Be Real said...

Belle you are doing good by looking and seeing God in everything. Glad your nephew is okay and is now a walking testimony. Blessings.

BelovedBomber said...

Praise God that your nephew felt God's presence in his situation. What a blessing! Having peace no matter what is going on around me is a goal I am striving for too. I have not arrived but am much closer to the destination! Glad to hear from you Belle!

Desiray said...

Praise God for the Blessing and complete healing,,

Belle said...

Thank you friends and sisters in God.

Crazy Life of a Writing Mom said...

God is so amazing :0)

Sherry Ellis said...

What a beautiful thing that girl wrote. I read a quote the other day, that seems appropriate here: Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith is one fine pillow. -Unknown

Copyboy said...

Yeah so glad your nephew is doing better. I never heard of Etty. Just Anne Frank. What an incredible powerful thing she wrote.