Monday, September 13, 2010

Sharing Happiness

Photo: Disneyland 1998 - The whole family, grandchildren too.

Years ago, just after our children were grown and on their own, my husband wanted to go to Disneyland again. We had taken the girls twice, but he wanted to see it again with just the two of us.

Off we went and we did have a great time, but we both found ourselves thinking, " I wish the kids were here." There were new rides, new parades and new yummy food, like lemonade slushies. We didn't tell each other we were thinking of the kids non-stop until years later.

The author, Herb Montgomery, in his book, "Finding the Father," said he believes the primary motivation in God's creation of people was to share his happiness of being alive and enjoying the universe. He said it is like a parent wanting his children to enjoy the wonderful things in this world. I think that is a beautiful analogy.

Before sin came into the world, God made a perfect and gorgeous earth for our first parents to enjoy. Then he made a special garden just for them to live in. Some day, when this time of trouble is over, we will live with God himself and share in his happiness.

Isaiah 65:17
Be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;
For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing
And her people for gladness.

Isaiah 43:4
You are precious in my sight,
You are honored and I love you.

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