Sunday, October 31, 2010

From the book, "New Day, New You." by Joyce Meyer

"Years ago, out of my selfish, self-centered lifestyle, I began to cry out to God, "What is wrong?" God showed me how selfish I was. The truth changed my heart. Now I just want to help people. It's the reason I write, travel, and speak. I don't do things to impress people; I just want to please God.

If we can forget about our little aches and pains, our little personal trials and tribulations; if we can get ourselves off of our own minds and go find somebody else to help, our lives are going to get better. This is an marvelous discovery."

I have a chronic illness. Because of this, I think about myself a lot. I feel sorry for myself sometimes, even though I know many people are worse off than me. I think about my physical limitations, instead of rejoicing in what I can do. I feel useless, even though I am not - my family needs me. Selfishness. Yes, I know about that.
I pray God will help me to think of him and others more than myself. I pray he will use me to help people.

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