Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What am I to do with my life? Joyce Meyer writes about how to know the answer to this question.

Excerpt from the book, "New Day, New You".

"God answers these questions through our natural gifts and abilities. He leads us to our purpose through the natural skills and unique talents he bestows upon us. God-given gifts are the skills a person easily performs without formal training. We derive great pleasure from doing what we are naturally good at doing.

If you aren't sure of your purpose, just do what you do well, and then watch God confirm you by blessing your endeavors. Don't spend your life trying to do what you are not gifted to do. I tried to grow a garden and can tomatoes and sew my husband's clothes. I wasn't at all good at any of these things, and I even despised trying!...

We know we are operating in our gifts and calling when what we do ministers life to others."

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