Monday, March 28, 2011

Dread or Faith?

In my other blog, Tales From a Loser, at I wrote last night about the fact a roommate of my grandson bought a python, a snake that can even kill and eat a deer! I was very upset at the news and was feeling sick about it and crying when I went to bed.

I've been re-reading a book by Joyce Meyer called, "New Day, New You," and the first chapter I opened last night was entitled , "Dread Drains, Faith Energizes." I thanked God right away, for I knew this was a subject I needed to read about. She quoted a verse from the Bible: "Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22

The last paragraph in this teaching was: "The future is coming, no matter how much we fear or dread it. God gives us what we need for each day, but he does not give us tomorrow's grace or wisdom today. If we use today trying to figure out tomorrow, we feel pressure because we are using what we have been allotted for today. Probably one of the greatest ways we show our trust in God is by living life one day at a time. We prove our confidence in him by enjoying today and not letting the concern of tomorrow interfere."

Today, I will choose Faith instead of Dread.


betty said...

That was wonderful teaching you shared; so timely for things going on in my life. Yours is the second blog I was on today with a similar theme about living for today and not worrying about tomorrow or obsessing about the past. I'm thinking God is trying to tell me something......

thanks for sharing and I definitely want to choose faith over dread indeed!


Clarence Heller said...

I like to remember that the Hebrew Scriptures use I AM to refer to God. God is not in the past nor the future, but in the present. Easy to say, but sometimes hard to live. Thanks for the reminder.

Belle said...

I have to be reminded to live in the day or even the moment over and over. I don't think it comes naturally to humanity.