Monday, March 7, 2011

They Did Not Understand.

Luke tells us Jesus told his disciples three times that in the future he would be killed and raised from death on the third day. Luke then tells us the reaction of the disciples:

"But they did not understand this statement, and it was concealed from them so that they would not perceive it; and they were afraid to ask him about this statement."
Luke 9:45

"But the disciples understood none of these things, and the meaning of this statement was hidden from them, and they did not comprehend the things that were said." Luke 18:34

I have often wondered how the disciples could not understand such plain statements from Jesus. I know that in that time everyone expected the Messiah to become the King of Israel and to fight off the Romans. What Jesus said was directly opposed to that belief. It must have confused them. Many times they did not understand the things Jesus said and asked him to explain what he meant. This time they did not do this. It says they were afraid to ask.

I think if they would have asked Jesus for more information, he would have taught them further and then they would not have been surprised on the night Jesus was arrested. They would not have deserted him on that night if they would have been prepared.

I've tried to think how to relate this to my life. What have I not believed that God has told me? I can think of a few things. One time, five years ago, I was coming home from church and I heard God say to my heart, "You will start smoking again." Instead of immediately praying and talking with God about this, I thought, "What! That can't be true!" Then I promptly forgot about it until later, much later, after I had indeed started smoking again after 24 years of not smoking.

At the time I had thought that maybe it hadn't been God speaking to my heart, for what he said seemed impossible to me. But when I look back, I should have been positive it was Him, because God has spoken to my heart many times. I just did not want to believe what he said.

I think the disciples did not want to believe what Jesus said; it seemed impossible to them the Messiah could be killed by their nation. It was a horrible thought, so they pushed it out of their minds. Where the Bible says that it was hidden and concealed from them, I think it was done so by Satan tempting them not to believe. He would not want the disciples to be prepared for this terrible event. God was trying to tell them, but they didn't want to listen.

I pray that we might all be open to what God is trying to tell us as we walk with him each day.


betty-NZ said...

I guess people haven't changed much in all these years--only believing what they want. I guess that's another reason why we have to stay close to Jesus.

Belle said...

No, people haven't changed. The disciples were just ordinary people like us, which gives me great comfort!

Clarence Heller said...

It gives me great comfort as well, that those who lived and ministered with Jesus did not get it - so no wonder I do not often get it. I think my favorite example of this is the feeding of the 4,000. Even after being present at the feeding of the 5,000 a few chapters earlier, when faced with an identical situation, Jesus' friends still ask "what should we do?" Perhaps the best answer is to pay attention...and trust.

Belle said...

It comforts me too that Jesus was so patient with his followers. You are right, the feeding of the 5000 is another good example of the disciples not learning very fast.