Saturday, May 10, 2014

Psalm 10 - Justice.

Psalm 10 the way I see it.

Sometimes it feels like you are so far away, God. (But I know this isn't true.) When I see evil people oppress the poor, the people who are proud and brag about their evil desires, then I wonder where you are.

These people are too proud to seek You. They seem to think God is dead and there will be no punishment for what they do. They are full of cursing, lies and threats. They wait for when people are vulnerable and drag them away. Like lions they crouch silently waiting to pounce on the helpless. They say, "God isn't watching."

Rise up, O Lord, and punish the wicked. You see the trouble and grief they cause. You take note of it and will punish them.

Do not forget the helpless for they put their trust in you. You defend the orphans and hear their cry. You know all their hopes. You will listen to their cries and comfort them. One day you will bring justice to the oppressed and orphans so people can terrify them no more. You are king forever.

I know that the weak and powerless do not always get justice here on earth. But one day they will be with God in heaven and he will satisfy all their hopes and dreams. It is hard to see what goes on in this world - all the pain and suffering, but God will make it up to us.

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