Monday, January 9, 2012

What Do God's Laws Mean?

"Always do for other people everything you want them to do for you. That is the meaning of Moses' teachings and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12

This verse has been named, "The Golden Rule" because of its great value. Something similar was said by the ancient Jews. The rabbi Hillel said to a young man who wanted to understand the whole law, "Whatever is hateful to you, do not do it to another." The Greeks, Romans and Confucius had similar sayings, which shows how people have been touched by the Spirit of God all through the ages as to what is right and good.

But what Jesus taught goes much farther than not harming people. He says to go out and do something for others that you would want done for you. It is not a passive saying, but an active one. God is actively doing good and so should we.


Anonymous said...

hey Belle, I was visiting on another site today and she was speaking of the Chinese taking turning the cheek a bit further...go out and be good to those that purposely scorn you, hurt you then I read your post....I guessing I'm knowing exactly what the Lord's message is to me today! thank you sweet friend

Silver Strands said...

Wow Belle - great thoughts. We can't wait to re-act ... we need to be proactive!

Belle said...

Hi! It is wonderful how Jesus took this saying a step farther. God bless.