Monday, March 19, 2012

Jake the Dog.

Every morning, if I wake up at 7:00am, I can hear the dog next door howling. His owners have gone to work for the day and Jake the dog knows he will be alone for at least 8 hours. He is sad. He is calling for them. He is lonely and I feel for him.

After creating Adam, God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him."

"It is not good for the man to be alone." Obviously, we were created to be with people. Loneliness is not a good thing. Something must be done if we are lonely.

Two years ago, when I wasn't home-schooling my granddaughter any longer, I became lonely. Everyone went off to work for the day. My granddaughter Faith slept all day because of her illness. I was like Jake the dog. Lonely and bored.

I prayed to God and asked him to help me. "Please give me something to do that means something to me. Please fill my empty life with something." Then I did what Joyce Meyer said to do  - believed God was working for me. I said, "I believe," and I waited to see what God would do.

God sent me to Blogger and through that he sent me wonderful friends. I am busy reading and writing and now drawing a comic strip. God has filled my days with fun and interest and I thank him so much. Ask and believe he is working. What he does for us is sometimes surprising!


Just Be Real said...

Belle that is wonderful that God filled that empty longing. I heard that same program of Joyce's. Blessings and hugs.

Anonymous said...

BIG SHOW ALL TEETH SMILE :0) I'm a blessing ....thanks! I have been thankful for you also Belle....God sure is good isn't he?

Belle said...

Blessings to both of you my sweet friends! God is so good!

Anonymous said...

Hi Belle,
Amazing how good God is...he satisfies our longings. I am amazed at how Good He is! Thanks for encouraging me with your sweet comments on my blog. :)


betty-NZ said...

I'm so glad yo waited for God. I enjoy your blogs so much.

I know a lady that wants God to work for her but she can't wait for His timing and so thinks He never answers. It's quite sad and she just won't understand that our time is not His time.

Belle said...

Free- Oh, you are welcome. He does so much for us. I'm amazed at his grace and love. Love and hugs to you.

Betty- He does always answer, but not always in the way we think he will. It is usually better! I will pray for your friend tonight. Hugs.

Sherry Ellis said...

God always provides!

Belle said...

Hi Sherry- Yes, he does.